Call for papers, Rethinking Asian Studies in a Global context

 This call for papers and art projects is for PhD students and artists to submit their abstract for a two-day workshop to be held at Hong Kong Baptist University. The workshop is part of the research networkRethinking Asian Studies.

Artistic Interventions. Histories, Cartographies and Politics in Asia. Deadline: 15 November 2014. Workshop dates: 30 & 31 March 2015. Venue: Hong Kong Baptist University

Scope of the call for papers and art projects: The workshop aims to move beyond the traditional paradigms of western scientific representation by re-examining the fundamental concepts of time and space in the construction of knowledge of and from Asia. During the first day of the workshop, leading scholars in the field of history and cultural studies, and artists from different localities in Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, will interrogate the politics of history and cartography and explore new possible forms of knowledge.